Columbus Day
Columbus Day 2025 in United States

Columbus Day is a National holiday in most of the United States and the day officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus. The day celebrates his arrival in the United States. It is the day of honoring the achievements and celebrating Italian-American heritage. It is a day of relaxation and celebration for the public and most of the businesses are closed including schools and institutions. Some Americans also celebrate the day as the discovery of their country and with church services and other activities. You will witness complete excitement and happiness among the public days or even week before the mark of the celebration.  

In some towns and cities, people can also be a part of special church services, parades and large events are also held. In the Italian-American community as well there are many celebrations that take place on the day. The holiday falls on a Monday, and then the celebration extends for a long weekend. This means great time can be spent with your family, friends and loved ones.  

Since the day calls for a long weekend, the celebration that takes place in schools and institutions is often beginning before the week. Cultural activities, debates, discussions, history learning through theatre, arts and music, and many other events are organized to keep the students hooked for the holiday and also to make them aware of the history and importance of the holiday.  

It is important to be aware of the history of the day as it imparts the complete knowledge of the day and why it is celebrated and it also makes the student appear aware and knowledgeable. The site offers a complete information about the day including the date and day of the celebration. So, you can have a look at all the information and start planning for the day and how would you like to celebrate it. 

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